Ariane Andrew WWE star Cameron Discusses Her Return To WWE

The former WWE Superstar Ariane Andrew (Cameron) returned to the WWE at the 2022 Royal Rumble pay-per-view event back in January.

In a recent appearance on”MuscleManMalcom,” a podcast, Andrew appeared on the show “MuscleManMalcom” podcast, Andrew spoke about Her return to WWE as well as whether plans are in place to make more appearances in the near future and much more.

You can find some highlights of the podcast below:

on Her WWE returning: “It’s like that moment when you’re getting ready to go next. I just realized that I was going out to the music of Funkadactyl instead of just the Girl, Bye music. I was thinking”what do I want to do to make my entry. It’s the same as everything else, it was like riding an old bicycle, you notice the presence and just go with the flow. “I’m going to give some Dyctal to the Girl, Goodbye. If you could hear the reaction that people had”did you hear that people were going nuts?’ I wasn’t sure what to expect, because I’ve always been the type of person who feels that everyone says something that isn’t positive. “You can’t wrestle. I was unsure what the reaction was going turn out to be. But it was interesting hearing the desire of people to see Naomi and me reunite and how they responded positively. This was the goal I set for myself. I’m 34, I’m going to look better than when I was in my 20s. And, even for the same amount of time it’s my goal to transform chicken shit to chicken noodle soup. There’s a lot of time, and I’m ready to get out and make the most the time I have. I believe I succeeded. I’m not regretting anything. Everything from the equipment to training time I did not put a single crumbs in the kitchen.”

Her thoughts on Naomi’s storyline in Sonya Deville. “It’s intriguing because it’s thinks this is one of the greatest storylines she’s had, I’d like to watch her in the title image. It’s a game, but it’s entertainment and events come in waves. The moment she’s in is to be on television and it’s the way you view things. I would like her to be part of another storyline, however she’s in this one and she’s being utilized. Many girls do not have this happening. I’m curious to see what direction this might take us. I’m not sure, maybe I’ll be back to assist her.”

On whether she’ll be back on WWE TV again to help Naomi: “All the interviews I’ve done in the past have been manifesting. “We’ll get tags team championships and become the first black woman ever to be able to break the record and earn the titles. I’m still stating that. I was out and gave an amazing performance. I was pleasantly surprised by the feedback I received from the executive. “Wow, you did amazing job. You walked out and looked incredible. The feedback has been very positive. There’s something I would like to spill some tea on, but I’m not able to declare it. It’s not true until it’s actually happening however I will declare that I don’t believe my time is at an end in the ring.”

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