Bully Ray Breaks Down the Epic Seth Rollins vs. CM Punk Promo Battle on WWE Raw

In the latest episode of “WWE Raw,” Seth Rollins and CM Punk engaged in a verbal showdown on the microphone. Amidst the charged promotion, Rollins labeled Punk as a tyrant, while Punk announced his participation in the 2024 men’s Royal Rumble match, playfully hinting at his anticipation of securing Rollins’ title.

Bully Ray Breaks Down the Epic Seth Rollins vs. CM Punk Promo Battle on WWE Raw

WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray provided his insights on the intense promo featuring both on the recent installment of “Busted Open Radio,” asserting that Rollins took the lead in the initial verbal clash and offering his reasoning.

“Punk blinked four times,” remarked Ray. “Now, some might question, ‘What’s the significance of those four blinks? The age-old adage about blinking? The one who blinks the fastest emerges victorious. Seth maintained wide-eyed composure throughout, never blinking. What Seth’s unyielding gaze conveyed was, ‘You, I intend to scrutinize through your eyes. Unable to strike you directly in the face, I’m focusing on your eyes, aiming for your heart.'”

Continuing his analysis, Ray emphasized a specific statement made by Rollins. “Recall the ‘out-wrestle’ line,” he prompted co-host David LaGreca. “Seth’s strategy against CM Punk revolves around out-wrestling him, attempting to overpower, exhaust, stretch, and reveal vulnerabilities.”

Ray reiterated multiple times that his assessment was devoid of personal bias and emphasized that he wasn’t acting as a fanboy. Nevertheless, he opined that the overall verbal clash between Rollins and Punk concluded with a slight advantage for Rollins, deeming it a “51 to 49” victory in Rollins’ favor.

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