CM Punk’s Inaugural Post-Injury Feud Unearthed

Although currently sidelined due to a torn triceps muscle, CM Punk has strategically set the stage for a future feud upon his anticipated return to WWE!

CM Punk's Inaugural Post-Injury Feud Unearthed

In the aftermath of disclosing his unfortunate injury, CM Punk also shared disappointing news about his immediate plans. WrestleMania 40, a pivotal event in the wrestling world, appeared to be out of reach for Punk, leaving him disheartened about missing the upcoming spectacle.

Nevertheless, Punk remains steadfast in his pursuit of headlining WrestleMania someday, drawing parallels to other sports where there’s always the promise of another opportunity next year.

As Punk prepared to bid farewell to the audience, Drew McIntyre unexpectedly intervened, taking the opportunity to mock Punk’s injury. McIntyre revealed that he had secretly hoped for an incident to keep CM Punk out of the locker room and expressed his thrill upon learning about the Second City Saint’s absence from action.

Despite Punk’s visible annoyance, he addressed McIntyre directly, announcing his departure for rehabilitation. However, he made it explicitly clear that upon his return, he would be targeting McIntyre for a showdown.

Unsatisfied with the time Punk had already spent on the sidelines, McIntyre escalated the situation by engaging in a brawl with the injured star, sadistically stomping on Punk’s injured arm.

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