Liv Morgan’s Evolution: Rediscovering ‘Francine’ in the Virtual Realm of WWE 2K24

Liv Morgan's Evolution: Rediscovering 'Francine' in the Virtual Realm of WWE 2K24

Legal Showdown: Francine vs. Liv Morgan in WWE 2K24 Twitter Drama

The road to WWE 2K24’s launch has hit a bump in the form of a Twitter showdown between two wrestling icons: Francine and Liv Morgan. WWE Games, in their bid to drum up excitement for the game, shared a preview of Morgan’s entrance with the caption “Queen of Extreme.”

However, this choice of nickname didn’t sit well with Francine, who famously used the same moniker during her wrestling career and holds the trademark for its professional wrestling usage. Taking to Twitter, Francine asserted her legal rights over the nickname, prompting WWE Games to swiftly amend the caption to “You Only Liv Once.”

Francine, grateful for the resolution, thanked her supporters and highlighted the importance of defending one’s legal rights. Despite the conciliatory gesture, Liv Morgan responded with a tweet that seemed to subtly mock Francine’s claim, adding a playful twist to the situation.

The clash between Francine and Liv Morgan underscores the intricacies of intellectual property in the wrestling industry and the challenges of navigating legal disputes in the age of social media. As fans eagerly await WWE 2K24’s release, this Twitter drama adds an unexpected twist to the game’s buildup.

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