Main Event Makeover: WWE Welcomes Another Replacement Commentator – Road Dogg Steps In

The ever-evolving world of WWE commentary took another unexpected turn as a replacement commentator was unveiled for the latest Main Event on Peacock.

Main Event Makeover: WWE Welcomes Another Replacement Commentator – Road Dogg Steps In

Following the announcement on Monday night’s WWE Raw episode that Michael Cole and Pat McAfee would be the new Raw commentary pair, Main Event showcased a unique pairing for its commentary team.

This week, Blake Howard and ‘Road Dogg’ Brian James took the helm in the Main Event commentary booth, a departure from the usual pairings involving Howard, Byron Saxton, or Saxton and Wade Barrett.

The absence of Barrett, replaced by Pat McAfee on Raw, and Saxton, conspicuously missing from Raw’s backstage interviews, raises questions about the potential permanence of this change for Main Event.

While official confirmation remains elusive, recent reports hint at an imminent announcement regarding the permanent SmackDown commentary team, featuring two well-known faces.

Corey Graves and Wade Barrett are reportedly slated to assume commentary duties for SmackDown, with Graves leading the way as the announcer and Barrett contributing as the ‘color commentary’ expert.

The timing of this revelation, aligning with Cody Rhodes’ pre-announced SmackDown appearance, adds an extra layer of excitement as fans eagerly anticipate potential developments in a WrestleMania 40 feud.

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