Matt Hardy: ‘Creatively, the way we’ve been utilized like the last four months, it’s been very frustrating’

Matt Hardy expresses frustration over creative


On the latest episode of the “Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast, Matt and Jeff talked about their future plans, Jeff’s health, as well as their health with AEW.

Jeff Hardy gave an update on how he’s doing since undergoing eye surgery:

“My biggest challenge has been the eye surgery I had back in March with the double vision. So that’s still my biggest fear. I can see where I need to see, like the double vision still there, and like, for example, leaning back in the bed trying to watch TV and even looking at the camera now, it’s doubled up on me a little bit. But to the left, where it all started, it’s pretty much gone. So I can see where I need to in the wrestling ring and I just need to do more matches, more matches like tonight where I’m actually excited to go out there and perform. So yeah, as long as we keep having nights like we had tonight, I’m super excited about the future of the Hardys doing something we’ve never done before, if you know what I mean.”

Matt Hardy talking about how he’s being used in the AEW:

“I think it’s very important just to state that I feel like there’s such a great spot for us at AEW if we’re just utilized in the correct way. We just got to get there. At Wrestle Cade we had this week, they said it was the biggest house they ever had for Wrestle Cade. We had such an insane line at the meet and greet. There’s still a huge fan base that wants to see us and we’re beloved. We’re not Matt and Jeff Hardy of 1999 and 2000, but like there’s so much we can do to help young guys continue to come up and also give our rub off to these young guys, but we just need to be utilized in the right way, and we hope we can get there. We feel like we’re taking steps in the correct direction.”

Matt continued to say, “I mean, just creatively, like just the way we’ve been utilized like the last four months, it’s been very frustrating. We’ve been very patient, but there has been a lot of frustration, things we’ve done and kind of how we’ve been utilized in some ways. So I feel like the natural thing to play off of is like channel that frustration and kind of put it into what we’re doing, and to those people that I call malcontents, you know, those people if they hate us, we will give them a reason to hate us. There’s something we can do there to evolve our characters and once again reinvent into something we’ve never done because there’s never been really like an aggressive, take by any means necessary, like cheat if you have to, or break the rules if you have to, or be bad Hardy Boyz version of the Hardys. We’ve done stuff as Broken Matt and Brother Nero. There was a time when he was the Antichrist and obviously, I’ve been a heel because I was like, you know, more of the heel because he was historically the more popular the two of us, you know, but I think the two of us together in a new role, I think it would be very refreshing. I think it’s something that we could use to kind of like, get back to where we want to be.”


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