NXT Standout to WWE Champion: Oba Femi’s Remarkable 5-Year Path

An emerging WWE NXT star has outlined their plans for the next 3 years, saying they’ll be WWE Champion.

NXT Standout to WWE Champion: Oba Femi's Remarkable 5-Year Path

NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament winner Oba Femi has been a rogue on his own since beginning of the year, when he clocked in his winnings from the tournament only one week after winning to win the North American Championship from Dragon Lee.

In the wake of Oba Femi already achieving successes in his career The possibilities are endless for his future in WWE and Femi has declared his confidence in his future.

On The Bump, a WWE show The Bump, Femi was asked where he would see himself in the next 3-5 years.

He stated simply:

“NXT Champion main team, WWE Champion. Why?”

Femi was then questioned about any final words for those who want to try to win his championship later on.

He added:

“I only have one word. Actually, I have a lot of words. You can get them. Simply come. I’m inviting everyone to join me. You think you’re here to get an opportunity however, you’re going to be destroyed. You’re being thrown into the lion’s dungeon, so bring it with you.”

Femi was able to defend the title against Lexis King in last night’s show on NXT.

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