Rocky Romero says there were no official discussions between NJPW and CM Punk

CM Punk and NJPW did not engage in formal talks


Steve Fall interviewed Rocky Romero. In the exclusive interview with, Romero talked about Mercedes Money, CM Punk’s return to WWE, MLW, NJPW’s relationship with AEW, Cody Rhodes and many more.

Fall The Fall Romero whether he was shocked by the fact that CM Punk was back in WWE and whether there was any chance of his becoming a member of New Japan.

Romero has said, “I’m not surprised because obviously it’s pretty money making him showing up and the WWE likes to make money and he is obviously someone who’s polarizing and controversial and he’s got a ton of fans who have been chanting his name for years and years and years waiting for him to come back. So I mean it all kind of makes sense to me, especially with the new regime involved in making the decisions and he’s got a great relationship I heard with UFC, it kind of all makes sense in the end.”

“The talks about New Japan, there was no formal agreement. It was a simple inquiry at one point of “How would you feel should CM Punk was to join New Japan’, and I thought it was a fantastic idea, because it’s a fantastic business and clearly it would elevate New Japan on a whole other level.”

The whole interview can be viewed below.

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