SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT: WWE Star Shares Reaction to Recent Change Report

SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT: WWE Star Shares Reaction to Recent Change Report

Ricochet Addresses Backstage Change in Response to Fiancée’s Statement

Ricochet has weighed in on a recent backstage alteration following remarks from his fiancée, Samantha Irvin, affirming it wasn’t her decision.

During the December 18 episode of SmackDown, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven lost the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship to Kayden Carter and Katana Chance.

Notably, Samantha Irvin refrained from delivering Green’s customary unique ring introduction, a shift she later clarified was beyond her control.

According to a report from Fightful Select, the directive to eliminate Chelsea Green’s special introduction originated from a higher-up in WWE. Ricochet took to Twitter to comment on this report, resharing a post summarizing Fightful Select’s findings:

“I believe everyone should just let things play out and stop making assumptions.

We all just want the best for everyone ??”

While the identity of the WWE higher-up responsible for the change remains undisclosed, Fightful’s report suggests that efforts are underway to reinstate Green’s unique ring intro.

Ricochet has been using Twitter to share candid thoughts on various aspects of his ongoing WWE journey, including recently responding to critiques about his promo skills.

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