Shawn Michaels on CM Punk’s WWE return: “Stories like this are always fantastic, even if they’re controversial”

Shawn Michaels on CM Punk


Shawn Michaels has joined the wrestling world to comment and expressing their opinions about the comeback from CM Punk WWE on Saturday’s Survivor Series following the Men’s Wargames Match.

The arrival

In the wake of that incident last Monday evening at Raw, Punk cut his first promo, but it was cut in order to keep the show being long. He is currently listed as a free agent so he’s able to perform at any time on Raw as well as SmackDown.

When he spoke to Peter Rosenberg for the Cheap Heat Podcast, Michaels gave his thoughts about the return. Michaels said he’s just like everyone else – excited about the news. He is able to relate to Punk because his was not always the most well-known person at the club however, he did a fantastic job in his work. He expressed his satisfaction with the company.

“You know, stories like this are always fantastic, even if they’re controversial,” Michaels declared.” This is one of the reasons why they’re amazing. There are instances, as you can imagine I’m not always sure the situation. To be honest I don’t believe that all the time they can tell what’s happening and that’s why unpredictable. This is what makes our job amazing and unique that it is unlike any other. This is why we’ve continued to grow for, you know, over 40 years.”

Bridge too far

Michaels switched gears to the belief that many believed fans that Punk’s return WWE was unlikely to happen.

“Because in this field of work What makes this work amazing? It’s impossible to be 100% certain even if you think you’re. It’s just not true,” Michaels stated. “Of course, you’re just saying, ‘I know this is going to happen,’ but there’s always a little piece, and you’re going like, ‘I don’t know, you know,’ and again, to your point, I just felt I think everybody thought this was a bridge too far.”


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