The Rock and Vice working on a docuseries on the ‘mysterious demise’ of WCW



Deadline published a story on Tuesday about the new additions for the staff within Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson’s Seven Bucks Productions. The article mentions that the company is including Scot Landsman as its Head of Television and Melissa Fried as the VP of Film Development and Production.

The report also stated the fact that Seven Bucks has 60 film and television projects in working, including one focusing on what they call the “mysterious demise” of World Championship Wrestling. The project is currently being developed in collaboration and with Vice Studios so this could appear appearing on Vice TV sometime in the near future. The project was not disclosed in any other detail. released about the project.

WCW was the second-largest wrestling organization in the world. At the time, they were ranked number one in ratings for an entire 83 weeks until a series of mishaps in the management, wrestlers and employees of Turner Broadcasting caused the company to plummet and lost hundreds of millions of dollars annually when they were bought from Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation.

The end of WCW was covered in numerous books and documentaries, so it’s interesting to discover what Seven Bucks will bring something that the public do not already know about the demise of WCW. The production company of the Rock was previously a part of Vice in”Tales From the Territories “Tales from the Territories” series.


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