The Undertaker names his Mount Rushmore of small wrestlers

The Undertaker revealed his list of priorities.


The Undertaker recently uploaded a brand new video onto the Six Feet Under YouTube channel in which he discusses the Mount Rushmore of small wrestlers.

The list

It’s an opinionated question as everyone has diverse answers to this Mount Rushmore issue of naming their top four wrestlers of all time.

“Some of these guys I played legendary matches with. I’ve always preferred working with smaller guys,” Taker started off. “I always felt like I could tell the better story with the big guy against the little guy, but it takes somebody special to be able to work against somebody my size.”

His initial title is AJ Styles, who he defeated in the finals of WrestleMania at 36 years old in 2020 at the Boneyard Match, serving as his retirement match. He beat Styles and said he’s been an avid admirer of his.

“I’ve not seen him perform an unfavorable match. I was like I mentioned, always a fan. I was so thrilled when he made his debut in the WWE. An incredible talent. He’s what claims to be. He’s the Phenomenal One He is the one who brings his best each and every time.”

The next one that came up came from Chris Benoit, who he described as a machine for wrestling that could move.

“I didn’t get enough chances to work with him,” Taker said. “I had the pleasure of working with him on a couple of occasions and had some truly amazing games with him. I had no idea that when I was working alongside Chris that I was required to put on my track shoes since it was going to be a time for a sprint.”

Final two

Taker referred to Kurt Angle before listing his achievements and praising his changing from amateur to professional wrestling.

“Just an incredible talent,” Taker declared. “Backstage interviews I’m talking about him. He was a complete package. He was a person. He was an rings technician. He was a ring technician. I have many fond memories of the fights I played with Kurt. One of the guys who were a joy to go into the ring and relax and let it flow. You knew that Kurt Angle would be there, taking the fight to the next level.”

The final figure is Eddie Guerrero, the great and late Eddie Guerrero.

“Eddie could work with a broom and make it a good match,” Taker told Taker. “He had the capability to keep the crowd captivated not only because of his wrestling prowess and athleticism but by the things were done by him. His promotions were spot on. He was able to poke fun at himself. He knew how to create hot. He was a babyface. He was a perfect example of the wrestler who was too small. The guy could lie, cheat and steal. Eddie did all that and is my favorite character in Marc Calaway’s Mount Rushmore of the little guy.”

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