Tyler Breeze’s WWE NXT Matchup with Jushin Thunder Liger and the Surprising Reality

Former Japanese superstar Jushin “Thunder” Liger made his WWE debut in 2015, beating Tyler Breeze at “WWE NXT” Takeover: Brooklyn in the presence of more than 15,000 fans on the Barclays Center. Breeze talked about the moment he learned that he would be facing his WWE Hall Of Fame opponent who was working for NJPW at the time. He was also appearing as a participant on “Two Manpower Trip of Wrestling.”

Tyler Breeze's WWE NXT Matchup with Jushin Thunder Liger and the Surprising Reality

“I thought it was a joke at first because nobody would really tell me,” Breeze stated. “I think at that point, I’d wrestled basically everybody. I’d been on almost every Takeover wrestling everybody. So I think at that time I looked at the landscape and I went, ‘Alright, well, this guys with this guy, this guy’s doing that, this guy’s doing this, so there’s nobody really around, so I’m probably not gonna be on Takeover, I guess.’ And I remember, I think Hunter even said, ‘Hey, we’re working on something for you. You’ll be on it; just don’t worry.'”

Breeze who is a frequent assistant coach for the WWE Performance Center, went on to claim It that it was Finn Balor who first mentioned that he’d be fighting Liger during Takeover: Brooklyn. Breeze admitted to being somewhat confused at first until the Judgment Day member, who is currently Judgment Day member, who was training with Liger and then contacted Liger, the previous IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion about the possibility of a Takeover match. He confirmed that this was actually Liger who was the Japanese wrestler himself. Breeze stated that he was informed of the plans for his fight against Liger just a few weeks later by the management.

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