Vince McMahon’s Unforgettable Wit: Tony Schiavone Reflects on Hilarious Survivor Series Banter

Vince McMahon's Unforgettable Wit: Tony Schiavone Reflects on Hilarious Survivor Series Banter

Vince McMahon’s charismatic character on screen is a favorite among the world’s wrestling community However, over time, his backstage humor has been noted by people who worked with Vince McMahon. On his “What Happened When?” Podcast, Tony Schiavone recalled McMahon’s hilarious response to a scheduled idea to Survivor Series 1989. According to Schiavone WWE had planned to let Jake “The Snake” Roberts take part in the show with a “gigantic” snake that five men would have carried into the arena. But when the handlers opened the cage, the snake refused to go in.

“They opened up the crate — we’re all standing in the back — they opened up the crate and that f–king snake was in no mood to be taken out of his f–king crate. They picked him up and he flipped around, his mouth went open, he wanted to bite people, [and] he p–ssed all over everything. And it stunk,” Schiavone told the media.

In the wake of the disturbance, McMahon stepped in and spoke out about the incident. “Vince McMahon said: ‘Put that snake back in the crate, he doesn’t want to work today!’ And they put him back in the crate, and there it was. Great line from Vince,” Schiavone remembered. The modern-day wrestling fan might be a bit different about McMahon however, in such a context it’s clear that McMahon wasn’t a businessman at all times. Even WWE’s highly acclaimed Chief Content Chief Content Officer Triple H praised McMahon recently when he spoke about the vital advice his father-in law gave his son that shaped the way McMahon makes creative decisions.

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