WWE NXT Stand & Deliver Unveils Newest Addition – Six-Woman Tag Match

WWE NXT Stand & Deliver Unveils Newest Addition - Six-Woman Tag Match

NXT Stand & Deliver: The Final Showdown Takes an Unexpected Turn

In the lead-up to WWE NXT’s highly anticipated Stand & Deliver event, tonight’s episode delivered a shockwave that reverberated throughout the NXT Universe. As the final confrontation between Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley unfolded, viewers were treated to an unforgettable spectacle that left them clamoring for more.

While Jayne emerged triumphant in the ring, the aftermath of the match was nothing short of chaotic. With her allies Jazmyn Nyx, Kiana James, and Izzi Dame in tow, Jayne’s victory celebration quickly descended into pandemonium. In a groundbreaking use of camera work, NXT captured the raw emotion as Jayne seized the opportunity to deliver a blistering promo, asserting her dominance as the ‘main attraction.’

But the drama didn’t end there. As Jayne and her allies made their exit, Henley and her cohorts, Thea Hail and Kelani Jordan, entered the fray, demanding retribution for the night’s events. With tensions reaching a boiling point, NXT GM Ava intervened to restore order.

In a surprising twist, Ava announced the addition of a six-woman tag match to the NXT Stand & Deliver lineup. Set to take place during the premium live event on Saturday, April 6, on Peacock, the match will pit Jacy Jayne, Kiana James, and Izzi Dame against Fallon Henley, Kelani Jordan, and Thea Hail.

With emotions running high and the stakes higher than ever, this unexpected turn of events guarantees an electrifying showdown at NXT Stand & Deliver.

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