WWE Raw Star Explains Drastic Body Transformation

GUNTHER also spoke about The Miz and the IC Title

Chris Van Vliet recently interviewed WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther, who will defend the title this Saturday against the Miz during Survivor Series.

WWE Raw Star Explains Drastic Body Transformation

Gunther on the day he realized the Intercontinental run was going to be a landmark:

“That’s something I could sort of see immediately, and I’d say that the most recent of the Clash during the Castle match where I was like that people were watching his title or any time the title is up for grabs in a different manner now. That’s the goal I’m trying to reach. A title is obviously it can raise an athlete but, ultimately, it’s always the winner himself who decides the title. If I attempt to do anything in my life, but particularly professionally, I either take it on the chin or do not bother even once. Since becoming an Intercontinental Champion, the only thing I’ve been doing is to focus on becoming the top Intercontinental Champion possible. What should I accomplish? What should I do to be able to carry myself? How can I perform in the ring in order to make it feel like a remark? The whole thing has gone good so far.”

In his upcoming fight with The Miz on Survivor Series:

“Getting to fight alongside him right now is a dream, particularly in WWE as it’s all related to The Intercontinental Championship, and it’s an actual matchup to decide who is the best Intercontinental Champion of all time. I’m extremely excited for this match, honestly as I feel that when I was a part of to the official roster it became clear to me that I needed to be a standout. I’m not part of the system. I’ve been a part of NXT UK and have had a brief stint in NXT however, all my growth, all my what-ifs such as character development understanding myself and so on was done before WWE. This means I’m not the typical. The Miz, on his own is an excellent illustration of how effective their development process is as He was a part of them from the beginning and is one of the most famous names they’ve got. I believe that, particularly in the way they present the company to the media industry only a handful of people have been more successful than the Miz. So I wanted to take on the opportunity to prove myself, but I’m not sure I’m still a more of a newbie in this place. In WWE I’m a out of the picture, in the sense that it makes sense. This is at least what I feel when I go to the show. I’m not a usual WWE wrestler. Therefore, I’ve always wanted to wrestle with The Miz because, first of all The Miz has that history that includes The Intercontinental Championship, and secondly this is a fantastic measuring stick for me, if that makes sense. It’s somewhat of a battle between different worlds.”

On losing 65 pounds:

“The beginning step just like the first time during COVID we have a good friend who is a bodybuilder. He’s coaching others. I believe he runs an exercise facility and manages it as well as other stuff. He began to assist Kaiser and Gio with their diets in a small way and they were on the diet and were amazing shape. We had him around, and I never so much as the only thing I’d like to mention. In general, I was at the top of my game throughout my adulthood but my diet was always something I neglect since I was healthy in my own way however, when I was became a part of on the official roster, and realized, okay, I’m going to the next level now that I’m certain I’ll be on national TV, I thought, okay, let’s be the most authentic version of ourselves we can. You’ll be before millions of viewers each week. This step I believe is essential today. I’m glad I took it. I’m a fan of that independent wrestler Walter who was a larger and looked more like the butcher in the next shop, which was awesome. I believe that was a good look for that time, and, in my opinion, it was a good fit for wrestling fans who are independent, such as when you think back to Stan Hansen or Terry Gordy as well as the larger guys, I believe that it is appropriate in the sport of wrestling but I was of the opinion that it was time to take the next step and make progress.”

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