WWE’s Botched Encounter: Bron Breakker VS Baron Corbin for the Title

WWE's Botched Encounter: Bron Breakker VS Baron Corbin for the Title

WWE’s Latest Slip-Up: Announcement Blunder in NXT Tag Team Championship Victory!

In a recent episode of NXT, aired on February 13, the wrestling world witnessed an intense battle for the NXT Tag Team Championship. Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin, winners of the 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, squared off against reigning champions Tony D’Angelo & Channing ‘Stacks’ Lorenzo.

In a thrilling showdown, Breakker and Corbin emerged triumphant, dethroning The Family and securing the coveted gold.

However, WWE’s announcement regarding this monumental victory seems to have hit a snag. While the update is live on WWE.com, there’s a noticeable glitch. The championship graphic on the roster page lacks Baron Corbin, featuring only Bron Breakker.

This inconsistency is glaring when compared to the accurate depiction of other NXT champions like Ilja Dragunov, Oba Femi, Lyra Valkyria, and Noam Dar.

For Baron Corbin, this win marks his inaugural championship triumph in NXT, a pivotal moment in his journey. Conversely, Bron Breakker adds another achievement to his repertoire, having previously held the NXT Championship twice.

Their victory in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, held at NXT Vengeance Day on February 4, laid the groundwork for this significant accomplishment.

As fans celebrate this milestone, speculation mounts regarding WWE’s future plans for Breakker. With his recent appearances on both NXT and the main roster, anticipation surrounds this emerging talent.

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